Cleaveland Aircraft Tool - If it looks like your c-frame may not be lined up perfectly. Below are some notes on how to use them and what to look for.

1. Always push the ram with one hand before hitting it with the other. This pre-engages the male and female matrix. 2-3 light beats is what you are aiming for to complete the dimple. Inherent in the process, you will probably get some side loading from the male pilot's skin in the die. Pushing the piston down manually aligns these parts without stressing the pilot. This assumes that the c-frame is aligned correctly, see point 3.

Cleaveland Aircraft Tool

Cleaveland Aircraft Tool

2. As mentioned above, make sure you have no side load on the dimple die. This is easily caused by the weight of the skin or even pressure on the skin while reaching the ram. It is very good if it pushes and pulls the skin after falling on the dead male to feel if the bottom post is in neutral. It seems like a long process, but once you know what to look for, it's actually very quick.

Aircraft N8cp (rutan Long Ez C/n 495) Photo By Timothy Aanerud (photo Id: Ac1264727)

3. Is the axis of your C-frame in a straight line with the axis of the bottom bracket? There are two fixes to fix this if needed. The front plate can be adjusted a few thousandths of an inch by loosening the two front screws until there is an air gap under the lock washer, but the lock washer is still compressed. After loosening, the front plate can be snapped into place. If the limit of adjustment has been reached here, the four rear bolts can be loosened to achieve the same (this is less desirable, but may have to be done if the frame is down). A test to see if the ram and bottom post are collinear is simple. Remove any dies or kits from the barrel and post down. Turn the ram upside down so the 1/2" diameter ram sits on the 1/2" O.D. in the post below. Release the barrel without touching it, make sure there is no load on the barrel or ladder. Aligning your eyes to the height where the two pieces meet, looking for a light wedge to ensure that the surface is aligned when they are moved 90 degrees. around ram and look again. If there is no twist, make sure there is no parallel displacement by sliding your thumb and finger up and down between the washer and the lower post. If you feel that one is protruding and the other is hollow, adjust the front plate as above. If they are in line, position your fingers at 90 degrees. around and test again. This test should show you if there is an error in the c-frame. Misalignment usually causes male pilots to die when they slide out when hammered because what is forced into the alignment now adjusts to its natural state.

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